Metatrader Indicators:
ATRRatio indicator periods( 7,14,1);
Turtle Channel indicator (20-10);
Bollinger Bands (20, 1).
General Condition: trade only in direction of the trend indicated by Turtle Channel indicator.
Buy Call
The Trend is up: Turtle Channel line Dodge Blue below the price;
ATR Ratio Value > gray line;
The price close out the upper band of the Bollinger Bands;
Buy Call at open next bar.
sell put
The Trend is up: Turtle Channel line red above the price;
ATR Ratio Value > gray line;
The price close out the lower band of the Bollinger Bands;
Buy put at open next bar.
This Binary Option Strategy High-low: 5 min Bollinger Bands Breakout is also a good trading system for other financial instruments: Stocks, Forex, CFD.
5 min Bollinger Bands Breakout Binary Options Strategy High Low: Template and Indicators.
In the picture below 5min Binary Options Strategy High Low: Bollinger Bands Breakout in action.